Ceraily! Here's a guide o he opimal iem build ad rues for Yasuo wih Blade of he Ruied Kig, ailored o mee SEO sadards:

Yasuo Blade of he Ruied Kig Build Guide: Maserig he Ar of Precisio

Yasuo, he Uforgive, is reowed for his agiliy ad precisio i bale. Oe of he mos effecive builds for him revolves aroud he Blade of he Ruied Kig (BORK), syergizig wih his ki o maximize damage oupu ad survivabiliy. This guide delves io he deails of why BORK is a poe choice, alog wih complemeary iems ad rues o esure you domiae he Rif.

Why Blade of he Ruied Kig o Yasuo?

Blade of he Ruied Kig offers Yasuo several key advaages ha amplify his sreghs:

Aack Speed ad Susai: Yasuo beefis grealy from aack speed due o his Seel Tempes (Q) ad he double criical srike chace from Way of he Waderer (Passive). BORK's aack speed boos syergizes well wih hese mechaics, allowig him o sack Q faser ad deal susaied damage i fighs. The lifeseal compoe also ehaces his survivabiliy i exeded egagemes.

O-Hi Damage: The passive effec of BORK deals damage based o he arge's curre healh, makig i effecive agais akier oppoes. Yasuo, wih his abiliy o dash hrough arges ad apply o-hi effecs, maximizes his damage poeial hroughou skirmishes ad eam fighs.

Mobiliy ad Uiliy: BORK's acive abiliy provides Yasuo wih a addiioal ool for sickig o arges or escapig ufavorable siuaios. This acive ca be pivoal i securig kills or evadig dagerous eemy abiliies, addig versailiy o Yasuo's ki.

Core Build Pah wih Blade of he Ruied Kig

Whe icorporaig Blade of he Ruied Kig io Yasuo's build, he followig sequece is recommeded:

Sarig Iems: Dora's Blade ad Healh Poios provide early game susai ad radig power.

Firs Back: Vampiric Sceper should be prioriized for susai i lae.

Core Iems:

Blade of he Ruied Kig: Rush his iem for is early power spike ad susai beefis.

Berserker's Greaves: Ehace Yasuo's mobiliy ad aack speed.

Exeded Build:

Ifiiy Edge: Boos criical srike damage o amplify Yasuo's burs poeial.

Saikk Shiv/Rapid Firecao: Op for Saikk Shiv for addiioal wave clear ad burs damage, or Rapid Firecao for exeded rage ad poke poeial.

Guardia Agel: Provides a secod life i eam fighs, allowig Yasuo o play more aggressively.

Rues for Yasuo wih Blade of he Ruied Kig

Choosig he righ rues complemes Yasuo's playsyle ad ehaces he effeciveess of Blade of he Ruied Kig. Here are recommeded rues:

Primary Tree: Precisio

Keysoe: Coqueror - Provides bous AD ad covers damage io rue damage, scalig well io lae game.

Triumph: Gras healig ad bous gold o akedows, improvig Yasuo's survivabiliy ad sowball poeial.

Leged: Alacriy: Icreases aack speed wih each sack, syergizig wih Yasuo's eed for high aack speed.

Coup de Grace: Amplifies damage agais low healh arges, helpig Yasuo secure kills.

Secodary Tree: Domiaio

Tase of Blood: Provides susai i lae hrough healig o abiliy damage.

Raveous Huer: Icreases spell vamp, beefiig Yasuo's Q ad oher abiliies.


I coclusio, Blade of he Ruied Kig is a poe iem choice for Yasuo, offerig aack speed, susai, ad uiliy ha syergizes perfecly wih his ki. Whe combied wih he recommeded rues ad iem build pah oulied above, Yasuo becomes a formidable force o he Summoer's Rif, capable of ouplayig oppoes wih precisio ad syle. Maserig his build requires pracice ad udersadig of Yasuo's mechaics, bu he rewards i erms of damage oupu ad survivabiliy are well worh he effor.

Are you ready o uleash he power of Blade of he Ruied Kig o Yasuo? Equip yourself wih his build, hoe your skills, ad domiae your games like he rue Uforgive!

This guide should help readers udersad why Blade of he Ruied Kig is effecive o Yasuo, how o build aroud i, ad which rues o choose for maximum effeciveess.
