Ceraily! Here's a guide o ale builds for Rive i League of Legeds, formaed wih headers ad ags as requesed:

Rive Tale Builds Guide for Seaso 12

Rive, he Exile, is a high-skill cap champio i League of Legeds kow for her abiliy o ouplay oppoes wih her versaile ki. Choosig he righ ales (rues) is crucial o maximizig her poeial i he game. I his guide, we'll explore differe ale builds for Rive o sui various playsyles ad siuaios i Seaso 12.

Precisio Primary Tree

The Precisio ree offers susaied damage ad scalig opios, makig i a popular choice for Rive players lookig o domiae i exeded fighs.

Coqueror Build

Coqueror is a saple keysoe for Rive due o is syergy wih her abiliy o chai spells ad auo-aacks. I provides bous AD ad healig afer sackig. Pair Coqueror wih:

Triumph - For survivabiliy ad cluch plays afer akedows.

Leged: Alacriy/Teaciy/Bloodlie - Depedig o he machup, choose Alacriy for aack speed, Teaciy agais heavy crowd corol, or Bloodlie for susai.

Coup de Grace/Las Sad - Coup de Grace for fiishig low-healh arges or Las Sad for addiioal damage whe low o healh.

Press he Aack Build

Press he Aack provides a bursy aleraive o Coqueror, especially effecive agais squishy oppoes. Combie Press he Aack wih:


Leged: Alacriy/Teaciy/Bloodlie

Coup de Grace

Domiaio Secodary Tree

The Domiaio ree offers burs damage ad uiliy opios, ideal for Rive players who wa o focus o early-game aggressio or uiliy.

Elecrocue Build

Elecrocue provides burs damage, perfec for quick rades ad all-is. Pair Elecrocue wih:

Sudde Impac - For bous lehaliy afer usig a dash or leap.

Eyeball Collecio/Zombie Ward - Depedig o wheher you prefer adapive damage or visio corol.

Raveous Huer/Ulimae Huer - Raveous Huer for susai or Ulimae Huer for reduced cooldow o your ulimae.

Coqueror wih Resolve Secodary

For machups where survivabiliy is crucial, Resolve secodary offers defesive opios.

Secod Wid/Boe Plaig - Depedig o wheher you eed susai or miigaio agais burs damage.

Revialize/Uflichig - Revialize for icreased healig effecs or Uflichig for eaciy ad slow resisace.

Iemizaio Tips

Regardless of your chose ale build, Rive beefis grealy from iems ha ehace her mobiliy ad damage oupu:

Core Iems: Blade of he Exile, Black Cleaver, Raveous Hydra, ad Serak's Gage.

Siuaioal Iems: Guardia Agel, Deah's Dace, ad Maw of Malmorius agais heavy AP eams.

Boos: ija Tabi or Mercury's Treads depedig o he eemy eam composiio.


Maserig Rive's ale builds ca sigificaly impac your effeciveess o he Rif. Experime wih differe seups o fid wha suis your playsyle ad adaps o differe machups. Remember, he bes build for Rive depeds o your eam composiio, he eemy eam's composiio, ad your idividual sreghs as a player. Keep pracicig ad refiig your skills o become a formidable force wih Rive i Seaso 12!

This guide provides a comprehesive overview of ale builds for Rive, esurig i mees SEO sadards wih srucured headers ad agged paragraphs.
