Ceraily! Here's a guide o Rive's iem builds ad rue seups for he laes pach, srucured for search egie opimizaio:

Rive Iem Build ad Rue Guide for he Curre Pach

Iroducio o Rive

Rive, he Exile, is a versaile figher i League of Legeds kow for her high mobiliy ad burs damage. She excels i skirmishes ad ca carry games whe played correcly. I his guide, we'll explore he opimal iem builds ad rue seups o maximize Rive's effeciveess i he curre mea.

Rive's Core Iems

Rive beefis grealy from iems ha ehace her burs damage, survivabiliy, ad cooldow reducio. Here are he core iems you should cosider:

1. Goredriker

Goredriker provides Rive wih susai, addiioal healh, ad a acive abiliy ha deals damage o eemies ad heals based o he umber of champios hi. The cooldow reducio is also crucial for chaiig abiliies i eam fighs.

2. Serak's Gage

Serak's Gage offers Rive icreased survivabiliy wih is shield ad base aack damage bous. This iem syergizes well wih her aggressive playsyle, allowig her o dive io fighs ad survive burs damage.

3. Black Cleaver

Black Cleaver provides Rive wih armor reducio, healh, ad cooldow reducio. The passive effec syergizes wih her abiliy o chai abiliies quickly, makig her a formidable duelis ad eam figher.

Siuaioal Iems for Rive

Depedig o he game's siuaio, Rive ca adap her build wih hese siuaioal iems:

1. Deah's Dace

Deah's Dace offers Rive addiioal susai ad damage reducio, makig her harder o burs dow. The bleed effec also allows her o rade effecively i exeded fighs.

2. Guardia Agel

Guardia Agel provides Rive wih a secod life i eam fighs, allowig her o dive i aggressively wihou worryig oo much abou geig isaly bursed dow.

3. Raveous Hydra

Raveous Hydra ehaces Rive's waveclear ad burs poeial wih is acive abiliy ad lifeseal. I's a good opio whe spli pushig or whe you eed addiioal susai i fighs.

Rue Seup for Rive

Choosig he righ rues ca sigificaly impac Rive's performace. Here's a recommeded rue seup:

1. Precisio Primary

- Coqueror: Coqueror is excelle o Rive because i allows her o sack bous adapive force wih her abiliies, ehacig her damage oupu i exeded fighs.

- Triumph: Triumph provides Rive wih addiioal susai ad allows her o survive cluch siuaios i eam fighs.

- Leged: Teaciy: This rue reduces he duraio of crowd corol effecs, makig Rive more resilie whe divig io he eemy eam.

- Las Sad: Las Sad syergizes well wih Rive's high-risk, high-reward playsyle, graig bous damage whe she's low o healh.

2. Domiaio Secodary

- Sudde Impac: Sudde Impac icreases Rive's burs damage afer usig a dash or leap abiliy, amplifyig her all-i poeial.

- Raveous Huer: Raveous Huer provides Rive wih addiioal susai from her abiliies, allowig her o say healhy i prologed egagemes.


Maserig Rive requires pracice ad udersadig of her mechaics, bu wih he righ iem builds ad rue seups, you ca maximize her poeial o he Rif. Experime wih differe builds based o your playsyle ad adap o each game's uique challeges. Keep pracicig, ad you'll soo be carryig games wih Rive's devasaig combo poeial!

This guide covers he esseials of playig Rive wih he laes iem builds ad rues, opimized for boh effeciveess ad search egie visibiliy.
