Ceraily! Here's a guide o ale poi allocaio for Xiao ad his drago compaios i he popular game Geshi Impac. This guide is desiged o help players opimize heir gameplay experiece effecively.

Iroducio o Xiao ad Drago Compaios

Xiao, a characer i Geshi Impac, possesses uique ales ad abiliies ha ca be furher ehaced by allocaig ale pois. I addiio o Xiao himself, he game feaures various drago compaios ha ca beefi from ale upgrades. Udersadig how o allocae hese pois efficiely ca sigificaly impac your gameplay sraegy ad overall performace.

Xiao's Tales ad Abiliies

Xiao is kow for his swif aacks ad high mobiliy. His ales iclude:

Lemiscaic Wid Cyclig (ormal Aack): Perform up o 6 rapid srikes.

Bae of All Evil (Elemeal Skill): Dive dow o srike oppoes, dealig AoE Aemo damage.

Coqueror of Evil (Elemeal Burs): Uleash he power of he Yaksha, icreasig Xiao's jumpig abiliy ad coverig damage io Aemo damage.

Each of hese ales ca be upgraded usig ale pois o ehace heir damage, effecs, ad cooldows.

Drago Compaios Overview

Drago compaios i Geshi Impac are crucial allies ha suppor characers like Xiao i bales. Each drago offers uique abiliies ad ca beefi from ale upgrades similar o playable characers.

Tale Poi Allocaio Sraegy

Allocaig ale pois effecively is key o maximizig Xiao's ad his drago compaios' poeial. Here's a breakdow of how o allocae ale pois:

Prioriy o Xiao

Whe prioriizig ale pois for Xiao, cosider focusig o his Elemeal Burs, Coqueror of Evil, as i sigificaly ehaces his damage oupu ad survivabiliy. Icreasig he damage muliplier ad reducig cooldow ca make Xiao a formidable force i bales.

Ehacig ormal Aacks

Ivesig i Xiao's ormal Aack, Lemiscaic Wid Cyclig, ca also be beeficial, especially if you rely o fas-paced comba ad eed cosise damage oupu.

Opimizig Elemeal Skill

His Elemeal Skill, Bae of All Evil, beefis from reduced cooldow ad icreased damage o esure Xiao ca uleash i more frequely ad wih greaer impac.

Drago Compaio Recommedaios

For drago compaios like Paimo or oher supporive characers, prioriize ales ha boos heir healig, shieldig, or damage amplificaio abiliies. Depedig o your eam composiio ad playsyle, allocae pois accordigly o ehace heir effeciveess i comba siuaios.


Maserig ale poi allocaio for Xiao ad his drago compaios requires careful cosideraio of heir abiliies ad how hey compleme each oher i bale. By focusig o ehacig key ales ad abiliies, you ca creae a syergisic eam ha excels i various game modes ad challeges wihi Geshi Impac. Experime wih differe combiaios ad playsyles o fid wha works bes for your gamig experiece!

This guide provides a srucured approach o opimizig ale pois for boh Xiao ad his drago compaios i Geshi Impac, esurig players ca ehace heir gameplay effeciveess ad ejoyme.
