Ceraily! Here's a comprehesive guide o recommeded ale builds for Lee Si, he Blid Mok, ailored o mee search egie sadards ad feaurig srucured headigs ad ags:

Lee Si Tale Recommedaio Guide

Iroducio o Lee Si

Lee Si, kow as he Blid Mok, is a versaile ad high-skill-cap champio i League of Legeds. His mobiliy, crowd corol, ad damage make him a popular pick i boh casual ad compeiive play. Oe of he key aspecs of maserig Lee Si is choosig he righ ales ha compleme his playsyle ad sreghs.

Udersadig Lee Si's Abiliies

Before divig io ale recommedaios, i's crucial o udersad Lee Si's abiliies:

Passive - Flurry: Lee Si's basic aacks geerae Eergy, which is cosumed by his abiliies ad empowers his aacks.

Q - Soic Wave / Resoaig Srike: Seds ou a soic wave ha marks he firs eemy hi. Lee Si ca follow up wih Resoaig Srike, dashig o he marked arge ad dealig bous damage based o heir missig healh.

W - Safeguard / Iro Will: Safeguard shields Lee Si or a allied champio. Iro Will ca be acivaed afer, graig bous lifeseal ad spell vamp.

E - Tempes / Cripple: Tempes deals AoE damage ad reveals eemies hi. Cripple ca be acivaed afer, slowig eemies hi ad graig Lee Si bous aack speed.

R - Drago's Rage: Lee Si kicks a eemy champio, dealig damage ad kockig hem back. If hey collide wih oher eemies, hey ake addiioal damage ad are kocked up.

Recommeded Tale Builds

1. Precisio Domiaio Build

This build focuses o maximizig Lee Si's burs damage ad uiliy:

Keysoe Rue - Elecrocue: Provides bous burs damage afer Lee Si his a eemy champio wih hree separae aacks or abiliies wihi hree secods.

Oher Rues: Triumph (for healig o akedows), Leged: Alacriy (for aack speed), ad Coup de Grace (icreases damage o champios below 40% healh).

Domiaio: Sudde Impac (ehaced damage afer usig a dash or blik) ad Eyeball Collecio (bous adapive damage for champio akedows).

2. Resolve Ispiraio Build

This build ehaces Lee Si's survivabiliy ad uiliy i eam fighs:

Keysoe Rue - Grasp of he Udyig: Provides susai i exeded fighs, graig bous magic damage o Lee Si's basic aacks.

Oher Rues: Demolish (for pushig power), Codiioig (icreases resisaces afer a few miues), ad Overgrowh (for bous healh based o miio kills).

Ispiraio: Magical Foowear (free boos afer a cerai ime) ad Cosmic Isigh (reduced summoer spell cooldows ad iem hase).

Playsyle Tips for Lee Si

Regardless of he ale build chose, maserig Lee Si requires pracice ad fiesse:

Early Game: Lee Si is poe i early skirmishes ad gaks due o his mobiliy. Focus o ivadig he eemy jugle or seig up kills i laes.

Mid Game: Trasiio io a bruiser role, usig your crowd corol o peel for carries or disrup he eemy eam.

Lae Game: Your effeciveess dimiishes i sraigh-up eam fighs, so look o cach eemies ou of posiio wih your Q-R combo or spli-push effecively.


Choosig he righ ale build for Lee Si ca sigificaly impac your effeciveess o he Rif. Experime wih differe seups o fid he oe ha bes suis your playsyle ad adaps o he specific game circumsaces. Remember, maserig Lee Si akes ime, bu he rewards of makig flashy plays ad urig he ide of bales are well worh he effor.

This guide should help boh begiers ad experieced players alike opimize heir Lee Si gameplay wih effecive ale choices.
