Ceraily! Here's a guide o recommeded perks i Dead by Dayligh, formaed wih headigs ad ags as requesed:

Dead by Dayligh: Recommeded Perks Guide

Dead by Dayligh offers a variey of perks ha ca sigificaly ifluece your gameplay experiece, wheher you're playig as a Survivor ryig o evade he Killer or as he Killer huig dow Survivors. Udersadig which perks o use ad how hey syergize wih your playsyle is crucial for success i his asymmerical horror game. I his guide, we'll explore some of he mos effecive perks currely available i Dead by Dayligh, caegorized for boh Survivors ad Killers.

Survivor Perks

Survivors rely o heir perks o ouwi he Killer ad survive he rials. Here are some op picks:

1. Spri Burs

Spri Burs allows you o quickly spri a 150% of your ormal ruig speed for a maximum of 3 secods upo breakig io a spri. I has a cooldow of 40/30/20 secods. This perk is excelle for quickly gaiig disace from he Killer afer beig spoed or escapig a dagerous siuaio.

2. Dead Hard

Dead Hard allows you o dash forward quickly while ijured, avoidig damage if imed correcly. This ca be a lifesaver whe you're o he brik of beig dowed by he Killer.

3. Borrowed Time

Borrowed Time gives you ad he rescued Survivor a proecive bubble for a shor ime afer rescuig hem from a hook. If he Killer his eiher of you while he perk is acive, hey will become ijured. This ecourages risky bu rewardig saves.

4. Adrealie

Adrealie auomaically acivaes oce all geeraors are compleed. I isaly heals you from ijured o healhy ad gras a 5/6/7% speed boos for 5 secods. I's a grea perk o ur he ide of he game i he edgame phase.

5. Decisive Srike

Decisive Srike allows you o escape from he Killer's grasp oce per mach if you successfully hi a skill check while beig carried. This perk is a powerful deerre agais Killers who frequely carry Survivors o disa hooks.

Killer Perks

Killers rely o heir perks o rack, cach, ad ulimaely sacrifice Survivors. Here are some esseial Killer perks:

1. BBQ u0026 Chili

BBQ u0026 Chili allows you o see Survivors' auras for 4 secods afer hookig someoe, wih a rage of 52 meers. Addiioally, each uique Survivor you hook gras a sackable 25% bloodpoi bous, up o a maximum of for hookig all 4 Survivors.

2. urse's Callig

urse's Callig reveals he aura of Survivors healig wihi a rage of 20/24/28 meers. This perk is excelle for locaig ijured Survivors who hik hey're safe healig i a corer.

3. Hex: Rui

Hex: Rui affecs all Survivors' repair progress by causig difficul skill checks whe repairig geeraors. I's a grea perk for slowig dow he game's progressio ad buyig you ime o hu Survivors.

4. Pop Goes he Weasel

Pop Goes he Weasel allows you o isaly regress a geeraor's progress by 25% afer hookig a Survivor, provided he geeraor was previously damaged ad you kick he geeraor wihi 30 secods of hookig a Survivor.

5. Edurig

Edurig reduces he duraio of he su from geig hi by a palle by 50/60/75%. This perk is excelle for Killers who frequely egage i chases ad eed o miimize ime wased due o palle sus.


Choosig he righ perks i Dead by Dayligh ca sigificaly impac your effeciveess as boh a Survivor ad a Killer. Experime wih differe combiaios o fid wha works bes wih your playsyle ad he specific Killer or Survivor you prefer. Keep i mid ha perk effeciveess ca vary depedig o updaes ad balacig chages made by he developers, so say iformed abou pach oes ad commuiy discussios. Wih he righ perks ad pracice, you'll icrease your chaces of survival or sacrifice i he Eiy's realm.

This guide should provide a comprehesive overview of some of he mos effecive perks i Dead by Dayligh, helpig players make iformed decisios o ehace heir gameplay experiece.
